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Is It Okay To Date Your Friend’s Ex?

The gal codebook and the lad codebook contain a long set of rules. One of the oldest, undisputed and unchangeable codes in there is the “Exes’ Code” which states: “Under no condition, no matter how tempting, a friend has a carte blanche to date his/her friend’s exes.” The penal code to this one is severe and the person who’s found guilty of breaking this rule will be deprived of the title of a “Friend”. Signed, sealed, delivered.
Well, as we all know every rule has exceptions, and this rule is no different. Let’s play the role of that smart sneaky lawyer and find the loopholes in the “Exes’ Code”.
Here are the exceptions of when it is a fair game to date your friend’s exes:
1.When Both Parties Are Over Each Other
This rule existed to avoid someone getting hurt in this triangle situation. If you’re sure your friend isn’t still harboring feelings for the ex, and the ex is over the relationship as well, then you have a green light. On your way my friend.
2. If It Is Not The Most Recent Relationship
This code wasn’t created for childish relationships; the relationships in question here are the mature ones. If your friend dated a guy while they were in tenth grade, you’re clean as a whistle. But if it was mature love and they recently split, emotions take a while to heal, so it’s unlikely that your friend is going to be okay with it.
3. If You’re Not That Tight With The Friend
The rule loosens up if the friend in question isn’t one of your best pals. If it’s a friend of your friend, a work friend or someone you see at common events, you don’t have to put on the brakes if you like this person’s ex.
But if the friend is a close one to you, no worries, keep on reading.
4. If You Got The Permission
Friends are there to make each other’s life easier, not to complicate it. If you really like the guy/girl, and your friend could see that, most probably the friend will pass you a permission note to proceed in this relation. Out of respect for your friendship, you must ask for permission and in return he/she must give you one.
But what if you didn’t get that permission….
5. If You Really Like This Person
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Stumbling upon someone whose feelings reciprocate yours is absolutely amazing. If you are attracted to a friend’s ex and there is a chance things might click, go for it. Your friend has broken up with this person; people are not possessions. They had time together, but now it’s not your friend’s place to try to change and control anyone’s life.
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