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5 Phases You Go through When Your Friends Graduate College

College unites people of diverse characters, beliefs and cultural backgrounds; one can learn a lot from dealing with different types of people. And while your older friends may celebrate graduating from college, having to witness it might just break your heart. Here are 5 stages of loss and depression that you may go through:

1- Denial and Isolation

At the young age of a college student, it might be shocking that friends who are almost your age are now graduating and have to do grown up stuff. You deny this fact and try to avoid thinking about spending time on campus without that friend in the future.


2- Anger

When it gets serious and your friends are now trying on their cap and gown, you might even get angry at yourself and wish you’d made friends with the younger classes!

3- Bargaining

You try to convince yourself that you’ll still have a chance to meet your friends and hangout with them just as often and that nothing will change.bargaining-graduation

4- Depression

your friends have graduated and they are no longer around; you have to move on with your life now. They are probably making new friends who are graduates like them!f457a71254bcf2b09e83203d5cd42b65d0e8b86ade25949782ce20453ab4cb61_3


Eventually, you accept the fact that your friends have graduated. Be happy for them and realize that soon it will be your turn as well! And then someone will go through all these phases for you! I'mFine
If you’re currently witnessing an older friend graduating, go ahead and celebrate with them! Look at the bright side, soon enough your friends will tell what the world is like out there. They might even be your own future wasta!

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